OSP Staff
Bob Davis (rd037@uark.edu), 479-575-6846
Associate Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation and Senior Director of Sponsored
Amber Hutchinson (aohutchi@uark.edu), 479-575-5427
Director of Pre-Award Sponsored Programs
Diane Domanovics (dd052@uark.edu), 479-575-7317
Director of Post-Award Management
Lynnette Kirk (ldk005@uark.edu)
Associate Director of Research Accounting
Kathy Scheibel (scheibel@uark.edu), 479-575-5912
Senior Advisor for Sponsored Programs
Jessica Foote (jf113@uark.edu)
Business Analyst
Pre-Award Departmental Assignments
- Amber Hutchinson (aohutchi@uark.edu), 479-575-5427
Director of Pre-Award Sponsored Programs - Brooke Ha (brookeha@uark.edu), 479-575-8464
Associate Director, Pre-Award - Carolyn Chitwood (cchitwoo@uark.edu)
Grant Specialist - Linita Robinson (linitar@uark.edu)
Grant Specialist - Allison Hodo (ahodo@uark.edu)
Grant Specialist - Kirsten Binder (kbinder@uark.edu)
Grant Specialist (PT) - Ruby May Bowles (rmbowles@uark.edu)
Grant Specialist - Pre-Award Central Mailbox: preaward@uark.edu
Contract & Subaward Specialists
- Contracts Central Mailbox: ospcont@uark.edu
- Subawards Central Mailbox: subaward@uark.edu
- Beau Fugitt (bsfugitt@uark.edu)
Director of Research Contracting - Stephanie Liechty (sliechty@uark.edu), (479) 718-1315
Subaward Specialist
OSP Award Management
Award Management Departmental Assignments
- Diane Domanovics (dd052@uark.edu), 479-575-7317
Director of Post-Award Management - Kathy Kirk (kxb009@uark.edu), 479-575-3680
Award Manager, Team Lead - BreeAnna Kilmer (bkilmer@uark.edu)
Award Manager, Team Lead - Ziwei Li (ziweil@uark.edu)
Award Specialist I - Myra Rollans (mrollans@uark.edu)
Award Specialist II - Julie Ennis (juliee@uark.edu)
Award Specialist II - Rewa Sparks (rcs015@uark.edu)
Award Specialist I - Award Management Central Mailbox: awdmgmt@uark.edu
OSP Research Accounting
- Lynnette Kirk (ldk005@uark.edu)
Associate Director of Research Accounting - Yudith Torres (ytorres@uark.edu)
Billing Manager - Liliana Evans (lilianae@uark.edu)
Award Setup Team Lead - Sujatha Suresh Kumar (sujathas@uark.edu)
Billing Specialist - Rachel Kent (rkent@uark.edu)
Billing Specialist - Marcy White (marcy@uark.edu)
Award Setup Specialist - Jefferie Renegar (renegar@uark.edu)
Award Setup Specialist - Andrea Dittmore (amdittmo@uark.edu)
Support Specialist (PT) - Tarvarius Smith (tjs016@uark.edu) Financial Analyst
- General Accounting Inquiries: resacctg@uark.edu
- Award Setup: ospsetup@uark.edu
- Effort Certification: effort@uark.edu
- Service Centers: svcctr@uark.eduu
- Sponsor Invoicing and Payment: ospbill@uark.edu
- Award Management: awdmgmt@uark.edu