
Streamlyne: IRB Submission Training

We have rolled out a new Streamlyne module! This module changes the Institutional Review Board (IRB) protocol submission process by utilizing the online Streamlyne system. The IRB is the body that ensures researchers use safe, ethical practices when engaging in research involving human subjects.

Please bring your laptop!

If you need IRB Protocol Training please contact Ro Windwalker at or Michael Senkevech at

Streamlyne: Proposal Training

Streamlyne is the University of Arkansas’ online research administration system for proposals and awards, related to grants and contracts. We will discuss how to: create a Proposal Development in Streamlyne, completing PI and Co-I certifications, working with your Grant Specialist, and routing and approval completion.

NOTE: This training does not cover IRB protocols.

Please bring your laptop! 

If you need Streamlyne Proposal submission training please contact your Grant Specialist. You can locate the Grant Specialist for your area from the OSP Staff webpage.